Ijah Erica Brown was born in the month of Januray in the year 1995. She was born and raised in the parish of St. Andrew. Ijah attended the Russel's Basic School, Dunrobin Primary School, St. Andrew High School for Girls and now the University of the West Indies, Mona where she is studying Computer Science. She hopes to pursue a career either in the field of Biomedical Informatics or Computing.

Ijah enjoy's visiting British Broadcasting Corporation to keep abreast on what is going on in the world; University of the West Indies Our Virtual Learning Environment so she can constantly revise her coursework and read ahead before her classes and finally PC Magazine where she reads reviews and information on the latest technologies.

Ijah doesn't read much now but when she does, it's online articles on food, fashion, technology, and world news. Growing up, she was forced to read alot. Some of her favourite books growing up were:



Gifted Hands Dr. Ben Carson
Think Big: Unleashing Your Potential for Excellence Dr. Ben Carson
The Wise Mind of Marcus Garvey Marcus Garvey
The Young Warrior Victor Stafford Reid

When not reading or sleeping, Ijah enjoys listening to music and watching movies. Some of her favourite movies are:
  • One Love
  • Notebook
  • Twilight Saga
  • Destiny
  • The Fault In Our Stars
  • All Hallmark Movies
and some of her favourite artistes are:
  1. Protoje
  2. Keznamdi
  3. Kelissa
  4. Chronnix
  5. Bob Marley
  6. Dre Island
  7. Sevana
  8. Kabaka Pyramid
  9. Jesse Royal
  10. Etana
  11. Mariah Carey
  12. Ed Sheeran

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